Hi everyone
This is my second story. Hope you've read my first story on chronicles of markesshy. 

This is a story about my all time crush. Her name is Sharon. We first met back in primary when i was young. I can say i was exposed and spoilt a bit by my brothers and could therefore notice her beauty. Her skin was that flawless African skin. Full of undisputable beauty and definitely i had a crush on her. 

She was a good friend whom we could always joke with, laugh together and talk like good friends do. That's when i started having a crush on her. I remember my good friend Obadiah who i could talk openly with and he told me go for her cause she also has a crush on you. 

I had that fear cause she was also serious with her books because it was our final year in primary. I would always try using every opportunity. Like one day i gave her an apple, anything good that i had would always find its way to her. 

One time i highlighted a verse on the Bible to show her that i loved her, and she cried. I knew my day was done. I knew that she would go and report me but that fortunately she didn't do it. But i was relentless, cause she had awakened a part of me that had died.

One of my best times while in school was during mathematics group time because we were in the same group. I would always make sure i sat next to her and flirt with her. Sometimes we would join in one class and i used to sit behind her, tickle her, my main aim was to always make her smile, which would always light up my heart and make me feel like, yes, i'm actually alive. Her smile made life more beautiful. They say smile is a symbol of love and peace.

During our last day after the final exam, i remember i bought her some biscuits and a drink. It wasn't the best but that was what was available. Sometimes i say that i gave most of my time to her that i lost control of my studies but i don't regret any part of it because i loved her.

After that we lost contact for four good years. Truly, i missed her. They say love isn't about sex or the bed but connection of the hearts. I always fantasized about her, and tried my best to find her contacts but to no success. During that period i dated other girls but it did not feel as good as her, she was just unique and lovely. 

Finally i finished my high school studies and at last after years of looking of her i found her contacts and like before. She awakened that part of me that had been untouched for four years. Her beauty had faded an inch but had grown. Her smile was still on point. Her voice as always beautiful and charming. Her eyes shining like the morning sun. Wow was all i could utter.

Anyway the rest of the story isn't the best cause in short our love fell apart. That connection was on one side, the Sharon i knew had changed. She had other issues to attend to, she had become a netprenuer had time for other issues. 

Sometimes you don't have to force love. It blossoms where it want to. Like a plant, love needs to be watered to so as to grow. It needs time to mature.


You gave me my first love feeling. You always lit me up. You always made me want to see the next day, just to see you, talk to you and be with you. You were good,kind, loving, joking, beautiful, understanding, you were a good friend that i could talk to openly, you are every man's dream girl. But people grow and outgrow, some don't. Your place is always cristened in my heart and will forever be. I love you. 

As i finish, i would to say, follow your heart. Sometimes expectations don't come to reality. Always create time for each other, don't let it be a one side thing. It hurts to try make something work but the other half is busy all the time. My aim of this story, is that create time for each other. We all know that time is money, but love cannot be exchanged as currencies and teared like notes. It also does not hit on each other like coins in a pocket.

Sorry i had to write this but i had to have that peace of mind, because to me, that is the greatest wealth. 


Thank you all for taking your time to read this story.
Kindly leave a comment.
